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awak ensem , awak cantik , jum kite tekan banyak banyak :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


slm feles~~~!!

aku ngat an driku kuat utk hdapinye...
tp snanye aku xmmpu t0k hdapinye...

aku ngat an driku tbah...
tp rpe4xnye aku x s'tbah yg aku pk an...

aku ngat an dri bley b'sbr...
tp t'nyate driku lemah t0k b'sbr...

aku ngat an aku mmpu utk x mmikirkannye...
tp aku t'lalu mmikirkan an nye...

aku ngat aku ley kwal emosi nie..
tp t'bkti emosi m'awal dri aku sndri...

aku ngat aku b'jye utk x m'luahkn pe3x...
tp snanye nye p'wtakan n ekpresi mke aku xmmpu utk mnyembunyikan nye...

aku ngat aku ley m'ngawal keadaan...
tp t'nyata n t'bkti keadaan yg mngawal id0p aku skrng..

aku sngke an aku bley hdapinye ngan atie yg tnang ag t'bke..
tp t'nyate aku t'slap p'htungan n penilaian...
atieku xla s'cekal pew yg aku pk n rsenye snanye..~~

Saturday, January 22, 2011

color of r0se.. =)

Red rosesred

There’s nothing secret about the red rose’s symbolism of love. Valentine’s Day would hardly exist without this bold and dramatic bloom. The ultimate symbol of romantic love and enduring passion, the red rose also conveys respect and the creative spirit of love. Representing true love stronger than thorns, the red rose is known universally as the lover’s rose.

White rosewhite

Representing, humility, purity and innocence, the white rose - often referred to as the bridal rose - is associated with young love. In Scotland, when the white rose bloomed in autumn, it was seen as a token of early marriage. Also symbolizing truth and reverence, it sends a message of loyalty and says "I am worthy of you."

Yellow rosesyellow

While in Victorian times, the yellow rose symbolized jealousy, today it represents friendship, joy and caring. A bouquet of these sun-filled blossoms conveys warmth, gladness and affection.

Pink rosespink

Symbolizing gentility, femininity, elegance and refinement, the pink rose also carries additional meanings depending on its hue. A deep pink conveys gratitude and appreciation, while pale shades connote grace and gentleness, admiration and happiness.

Orange rosesorange

With their warm, vibrant tones, orange roses symbolize enthusiasm and desire. If you’re looking for a way to express admiration and attraction - with an underlying message of passion and excitement - then send a bouquet filled with these fiery blooms.

Lilac roseslilac & purple

Thought to be almost mystical in nature, with symbolism tied to enchantment, desire and even proceeding cautiously, it’s not surprising that lilac and purple roses send a message of love at first sight, A great Valentine flower.

Multi-colored rosesmulti-colored roses

In some instances - usually when mixing red with another color rose - you can send additional messages with your choice of bouquet. For example, a combination of red and yellow roses conveys gaiety and happiness, while a mix of red and white roses symbolizes unity.

still more rose symbolism

As if color weren’t enough to express your innermost thoughts, there are still more ways that roses can convey your message. For example, while fresh flowers in a bouquet - like roses in full bloom-express deep gratitude, a single rose says “I still love you.” A bouquet of rosebuds - representing innocent love - says “you are forever young and beautiful.” And a thornless rose says “love at first sight,” while the tea rose says “I’ll remember you always.”

*information from google..


Friday, January 21, 2011

xcited jew lbey..

slm feles!
arie nih aku dpt bnge...
bnge r0se gitu..
*xcited kot..mngalah an pkwe aku lak yg bg..hahah!*

klow pkwe aku bg alamt pngsan kot aku..hahah!

nie r0se yg ke-2 aku dpt spnjang id0p aku nih..
2-2 mmbr aku bg..
*b'angan3x gak ble nk dpt r0se dr yg t'syg*
rsenye angan3x mat jenin jew kot..

nie la bnge r0se tue..
cmey an..
kale purple ag tue...

nie org yg bg aku bnge nie..
tenks dear..

friends like a star,
shine in the my heart,
thank for everything,
hope our relationship will last forever..

Monday, January 17, 2011


slm feles...
haih....byk bnde yg jd wt aku frust..
ntah la...kdng3x tue pnat jgak nk lyan prasaan yg ntah pape nie..
adei...sgt xske akn keadaan nih oke..!
*spe yg trase plz take note!

haih...skrng nih nk wt pr0jek pn ssah kew??
xpyh la nk kdekut sgt...
kte0wg wt esaimen jew kot..
wt webpage t0k c0mpany korng tue..
bkn nk publish pn...stakat t0k present dpn lect kte0wg jew kot..
pham3x la skit..student an..
*kteowg m'cri tok carry mark kot!

xde adab kot..
last3x mnit cancel cm tue jew..
mggu nie kne anta proposal kot!
bkn nk kol inf0rm kt kteowg..
ble kol...
*maaf la boss x b'mnat!
pas tue tros ltak jew...
perrrgghh..mmg mnyirap la...
*now kne crik company laen t0k projek csc kami..

pr0ject bio...
haih...nie pn m'dtg an k'pningan gak...
mle3x nmpak snang jew kot xperiment yg kteowg nk wt nih..
tp haih....ssah kot...
xperiment da la s'bln jew...
proposal da anta tp sample air cm xkne crik laen jew...
ikan n container???
haih...nie ag problem...ble nk smpai pn xtaw r..

sumenye mmg xkne kot...
mcm3x jd...
my relationship~~~~~~~~~~~

Monday, January 10, 2011


ragam mnusia ada sahaja,
antara baik dan sebaliknya,
kita hendaklah pandai mengawalnya,
demi kebaikan kita bersama...

hasrat dngki tidak ke mana,
yg ada cuma sengketa,
mengapa ini harus di rasa,
dalam dunia 1 malaysia..

bumi ada hukum karma,
ingatlah wahai semua mnusia,
hasrat jahat akn di balas jua,
budi yg baik akan di kenang sentiasa..

pohon k'maafan dengan segera,
agar tidak mnyesal d kmudian hari,
buat baik berpada-pada,
buat jahat jangan sekali...

p/s: xyh la rse nk dngki3x oke..
stiap owg da d tentu an k'bhagiaannye..

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

poem utk mu..

saat ku melihat gambarmu,
terimbau peristiwa kau dan aku,
kenangan manis dan pahit bersamamu,
sentiasa segar di ingatanku..

cintaku bukan seperti biasa,
dugaan datang bertimpa-timpa,
ku hadapi dengan hati terbuka,
untuk bersama mu setiap masa..

ku menantimu setiap hari,
menjalani hari-hari ku sendiri,
ku berharap dirimu mengerti,
kembali untuk menyelami hatimu ini..

jiwaku sentiasa meronta-ronta,
memanggilmu setiap masa,
menantimu tidak kira di mana,
untuk meluahkan apa yang ku rasa..

rinduku padamu semakin meninggi,
tidak sanggup ku menanggungnya lagi,
mengharap kau segera kembali,
ke dalam hidupku setiap hari..

*mo0d : sad ~~~~!!